Corporation - Description - 2013-10-05 08:28:08 - Live Ticker



Old New
-We Chosen Few. is NOW recruiting!  
-We are a small nullsec corp wishing to expand its horizons. We are currently located in the drone regions and would like to welcome other players to come live in nullsec to make ISK freely. 
-We can offer: 
-Corp teamspeak3 
-Corp killboard 
-No CTA's 
-Quiet Systems to live in 
-We are heavy industrialists so miners are welcome but we also offer space for ratters to make a home. PvPers are welcome but must understand we are renters so you will most likely have to find your own content.  
-Activity is not a requirement so it relieves some pressure of the thought of having a break from EVE. We do have a mandotory monthly tax on each character which isnt much considering there is no CTA's and we do have bills to pay, the tax is 50mill a month per char. 
-10Mill SP minimum required and to be self sufficient, We do offer a JF service which is free for the first run. 
-If you are interested please mail entarius fusion/hari gosh/reaver hekard, or join our public channel 'We Chosen Few. Pub'  
-Anything regarding We Chosen Few. and or its members please contact Danny theDog +Anything regarding We Chosen Few. and or its members please contact: orange offspring
-We have a 7.5% tax rate to help cover outgoing costs and to help towards expanding the corp. 

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Resources 2013-10-05 08:28:08 Corporation Description
Alliance Northern Associates. Member 136
Corporation We Chosen Few. Member 7
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