Corporation - Description - 2013-10-21 08:09:46 - Live Ticker



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 +The Xplicit Method's corporate primary directives are as of follows:
-.If you're tired of 'FAIL'' corporations where you play alone, drop an application off here. This corporation was founded by active, experienced, high SP toons. Many of whom are close freinds, and experienced Mercenaries+1) We are constructing one of the most effective small-gang pvp corps in high-sec. We are ex 0.0/FW/PVE/Indy pilots who are tired of big alliance "Soap Opera's", and wish to remain solely independent, in an atmosphere with:
 +a) NO RULES/MANDATORY operations.
 +b) Regular acess to small gang PVP fleets through HS Mercernary contracts, random wardec's, wormhole raids/plexxing, 0.0 roams/plexxing, any sort of industrial career for alts,
 +c) We refuse to interfere with your real life. Feel free to have a wife, children, jobs, obligations... then come to Eve and RAPE FACE with a group of professional HS/LS PVP/Indy toons united towards a common goal...
 +Help us create a truly fearsome corporation, by collecting all the people from the "Recruitment" channel into one.
 . .
 O O
 \, _......_  \, _......_
  )°¨ ´¨-,  )°¨ ´¨-,
 /_ The xPlicit Method /_ The xPlicit Method
 *Bored with Eve? *Bored with Eve?
 *Wanna shit down peoples necks? *Wanna shit down peoples necks?
 *Does crying miners make you hard? *Does crying miners make you hard?
 *Drink Beer before noon? *Drink Beer before noon?
 *Tea-Bag in a spacesuit. Go Pro. Join us.  *Tea-Bag in a spacesuit. Go Pro. Join us.
 *20 mil SP min  *20 mil SP min
-*Real Life first. We don't mind if you have a job or "Wife Aggro". No mandatory Coprorate Ops whatsoever. Log in whenever you like, find a friend, and get into trouble. :) 
-*This corp may be small, but we've all seen 10 man corps full of older toons dismanatle alliances in highsec before. This corp specializes in small gang warfare on a professional level. TS3 and a mic is mandatory here. 
-*You're never playing alone. There's always fleet invites to fleets, from WH raids to incursions, and PVP roams. 
-*The CEO doesnt mind young players, but she hates Douche-Baggery!. Adults only here. We try to keep things drama free. 
-*Minmatar based in High-sec, NPC space based in 0.0... however we travel alot. Expect to be running Incursion armor fleets. Ganking, 0.0 gatecamps, wormhole raids, and much more. 
-*We are all US TZ based at the moment, however we would like to recruit a stong EU presence within the corp. Somebody's gotta work the night shift, right!? 0.o 
-For more information, join our recruitment chat channel: Rap3 Me+JOIN: The channel "Rap3 Me" for more information.

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Resources 2013-10-21 08:09:46 Corporation Description
Corporation The xPlicit Method Member 20
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