Corporation - Description - 2013-10-27 08:10:00 - Live Ticker



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-JOIN: Recruitment channel "Rap3 Me" for more info.+.
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 +JOIN: Recruitment channel "Rap3 Me" for more info on recruitment possibilities, or to contact a Diplomat, and arrange a contract or surrender. :P
 The Xplicit Method's corporate primary directives are as of follows: The Xplicit Method's corporate primary directives are as of follows:
 We are constructing one of the most effective small-gang pvp corps in high-sec. We are ex 0.0/Merc/Pirate pilots who are tired of big alliance "Soap Opera's", and wish to remain solely independent, in an atmosphere with: We are constructing one of the most effective small-gang pvp corps in high-sec. We are ex 0.0/Merc/Pirate pilots who are tired of big alliance "Soap Opera's", and wish to remain solely independent, in an atmosphere with:
-a) NO RULES/MANDATORY operations.+a) NO RULES/MANDATORY operations. Dowhutchyalike, whenyalike. No whiners here! In-fact... we think it's funny as heck, and encourage you to record it for us...
-b) Regular acess to small gang PVP fleets through HS Mercernary contracts, random wardec's, wormhole raids/plexxing, 0.0/LS roams/plexxing, any sort of industrial career for alts, +b) Regular access to small gang PVP fleets through HS Mercernary contracts, random wardec's, wormhole raids/plexxing, 0.0/LS roams/plexxing, any sort of industrial career for alts,
 c) We refuse to interfere with your real life. Feel free to have a wife, children, jobs, obligations... then come to Eve and RAPE FACE with a group of professional HS/LS PVP/Indy toons united towards a common goal of comradery, and fun.  c) We refuse to interfere with your real life. Feel free to have a wife, children, jobs, obligations... then come to Eve and RAPE FACE with a group of professional HS/LS PVP/Indy toons united towards a common goal of comradery, and fun.
-We are primarily based out of Minmatar space. This corp has access to POS's, Jump Freighters, and various capitol ships, however we mostly prefer sub-capitols. Most members have 20 million SP, or far more. We have the experience to par-take in any operation we see fit. +We are primarily based out of Minmatar space. This corp has access to POS's, Jump Freighters, and various capitol ships, however we mostly prefer sub-capitols. Most members have 20 million SP, or far more. We have the experience to par-take in any operation we see fit, from busting Roids, to Black ops greifing in Goons' space.
-We frequently fly armor Incursion fleets, or do any sort of Industrial work with our alts to fund our gameplay. +We frequently fly armor Incursion fleets, or do any sort of Industrial work with our alts to fund our gameplay. Also, market trading, T2 production, and HS/0.0 plexxing.
-Please don't take it personally. The war-dec will never last longer than one week, and our members don't talk smack. We simply chose to war-dec you for some sportsmanlike rivalry between gamers... and we're convinced we can roll through you like a freight-train. We have blood-thirsty PVPr's to entertain, or they quit the corp like little bitches... This is the circle of life in Eve. ;) +Please don't take it personally. The war-dec will never last longer than one week, and our members don't talk smack. We simply chose to war-dec you for some sportsmanlike rivalry between gamers... and we're convinced we can roll through you like a freight-train. We have blood-thirsty PVPr's to entertain with collecting your frozen corpses, or they quit the corp like little bitches... This is the circle of life in Eve. Any CEO can sympathize... :)
 +Why cant everybody just co-operate, co-ordinate, and fleet up? Eve has too many Cheifs! Not enough Indians... wtf?
-Help us create a truly fearsome corporation, by collecting all the experienced PVPrs from the "Recruitment" channel into one. +Help us get some work done, and unite Eve's most fearsome toons under one banner. Help us create a truly entertaining corporation, by collecting all the experienced PVPrs from the "Recruitment" channel into one.
 . .
 O O
 \, _......_  \, _......_
  )°¨ ´¨-,  )°¨ ´¨-,
 /_ The xPlicit Method /_ The xPlicit Method
 *Bored with Eve? *Bored with Eve?
 *Wanna shit down peoples necks? *Wanna shit down peoples necks?
 *Does crying miners make you hard? *Does crying miners make you hard?
 *Drink Beer before noon? *Drink Beer before noon?
 *Tea-Bag in a spacesuit. Go Pro. Join us.  *Tea-Bag in a spacesuit. Go Pro. Join us.
 *10 mil SP min  *10 mil SP min
 JOIN: The channel "Rap3 Me" for more information. JOIN: The channel "Rap3 Me" for more information.

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Resources 2013-10-27 08:10:00 Corporation Description
Corporation The xPlicit Method Member 20
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