Corporation - Description - 2013-11-12 08:01:05 - Live Ticker



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-Thank you for your interest in LB. 
-As our name suggests, we are a corporation based on limitless boundaries. We accept members from all areas of New Eden and enjoy all aspects of Eve. 
-Our primary focus is banding together to accomplish goals. Those include, but aren't limited to:+Small corp with big intentions
- - Incursions 
- - Ratting 
- - Salvaging 
- - Hauling 
- - Trade and Working the Market 
- - Mission Running 
- - Exploring Anomolies 
- - Mining, Research, and Manufacturing 
- - Black/Covert Ops 
- - PvE and PvP 
- - Field Trips 
- - Weekly Events 
-By working together, we will be able to create a multidimensional corporation that caters to our specific short term and long term needs. 
-If joining a group of like-minded players is something your interested in, please feel free to join our chat at "Limitless Boundaries" or directly apply. 
-To become an elected official or officer, you must provide full API key which is available through Eve Online. 

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Resources 2013-11-12 08:01:05 Corporation Description
Alliance Dei-Telum Member 0
Corporation Limitless Boundaries Member 0
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