Corporation - Description - 2013-11-17 09:11:39 - Live Ticker



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 Inner Haven is one of the rare examples of an outsider company that managed to establish itself within the Caldari State. Formerly an underworld smuggling company like Ytiri, Inner Haven adjusted its operation to gain admittance into the State. Since then the company has flourished and is one of the fastest growing companies in Caldari space. Inner Haven is one of the rare examples of an outsider company that managed to establish itself within the Caldari State. Formerly an underworld smuggling company like Ytiri, Inner Haven adjusted its operation to gain admittance into the State. Since then the company has flourished and is one of the fastest growing companies in Caldari space.
-Currently the main focus of Inner Haven lies in protecting the caldari state from foreing and domestic threats by participating on contract with the state protectorate while exploring the outskirt of known space. +Currently the main focus of Inner Haven lies in protecting the caldari state from foreing and domestic threats by participating on contract with the state protectorate.
-Inner Haven Is currently looking for capsuleers with an explorative and a military mindset. +Inner Haven Is currently looking for capsuleers with an industrial and a military mindset.
 What we offer for capsuleers is the following: What we offer for capsuleers is the following:
-- Expansive knowledge-base about anything exploration and industrial. +- Expansive knowledge-base about any industrial activities.
-- Forward outpost right in the middle of the Factional Warfare areas to defend and upgrade. 
 - Daily fleets with an active alliance. - Daily fleets with an active alliance.
 - Introductions to Factional warfare / pvp for new capsuleers. - Introductions to Factional warfare / pvp for new capsuleers.
 - Alliance voice communications - Alliance voice communications

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Resources 2013-11-17 09:11:39 Corporation Description
Alliance Rapidus Incitus Pactum Member 12
Corporation Inner Haven Corporation Member 0
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