Corporation - Description - 2014-01-22 08:01:06 - Live Ticker



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-We are CegCorp - A high-security mining & industrial corporation. While we are a new, relatively small corporation, we are looking to grow, become stronger and expand our operations to all regions of Empire space. +We are CegCorp - A high-security mining & industrial corporation, that is looking to grow, and expand our operations to all regions of Empire space.
 To make this happen, we are focusing on hosting mining operations each week. Each of these operations support our manufacturing wing with the resources needed to manufacture and sell ships, equipment, and other supplies to the Eve populace as a whole. To make this happen, we are focusing on hosting mining operations each week. Each of these operations support our manufacturing wing with the resources needed to manufacture and sell ships, equipment, and other supplies to the Eve populace as a whole.
 For additional information regarding our corporation, contact Braldt Ironeye. Thank you. For additional information regarding our corporation, contact Braldt Ironeye. Thank you.

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Resources 2014-01-22 08:01:06 Corporation Description
Alliance To Be Determined Alliance Member 1
Corporation CegCorp Member 1
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