Corporation - Description - 2014-02-12 08:11:15 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Caldari High Prime Caldari High Prime
 We provide a home for new and old pilots whom show dedication and a willingness to learn and enjoy the game. We try to appeal to pilots who enjoy twitch gameplay and smart PvP, if you are social and blood-thirsty we might be the corporation for you! We provide a home for new and old pilots whom show dedication and a willingness to learn and enjoy the game. We try to appeal to pilots who enjoy twitch gameplay and smart PvP, if you are social and blood-thirsty we might be the corporation for you!
-During our lifetime we have experienced most of what EvE has to offer, we made an obsene amount of money in Capital manufacturing, we have had large scale PvP fights in Null and small gank fleets in high. After being an Industry and PVE corporation for a long time, we have decided to stop grinding and start enjoying the game. +During our lifetime we have experienced most of what EvE has to offer, we made an obsene amount of money in Capital manufacturing, we have had large scale PvP fights and small gank blops fleets. After being an Industry and PVE corporation for a long time, we have decided to stop grinding and start enjoying the game pvp-style.
 Recruitment info: Recruitment info:
 +- 10 mil SP minimum
-- EU and US east TimeZone. +- EU and US east Time-Zone.
-- Caldari space; The forge. 
 +- Fountain (west) space (0.0)
 - Mic is required, we activly use TS. - Mic is required, we activly use TS.
 - NO carebears! - NO carebears!
-- NO Trials. 
 General info: General info:
-- We will be in High-Sec war as often as possible. 
 +- We are 101% PvP, but you can still Rat etc for ISK. (Tax: 15% initially)
-- During war-time our pilots will be finacially supported.+- FA provides a legendary ship replacement program!
 - If you do stupid shit, you will quickly find yourself corpless.** - If you do stupid shit, you will quickly find yourself corpless.**
-** Stupid shit: Running missions in your expensive battleship during a War, Getting killed in your freighter while flying from jita, Mining. (in or out of wartime) +** Stupid shit: Running missions in your expensive battleship during a War, Getting killed in your freighter while flying from jita, Mining. (we have a distaste for pvp'ers with lasers shooting rocks.)

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Resources 2014-02-12 08:11:15 Corporation Description
Corporation Caldari High Prime Member 26
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