Corporation - Description - 2014-02-27 08:12:22 - Live Ticker



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-Seven Minutes To Midnight [2353]. 
-Alan Hobgood 
-so whats this i hear u dont play eve anymore. u leave AAA lose all space and test runs the south lol 
-lol i run the logi for -A- and do alot of the fits (guess i did listen to you my doc break downs are model after yours) 
-alll the old tgrss guys are test pets btw tidgy pokey all of them they just fly slowcats. 
-u should come back and join -A- we are red to everyone and i really mean everyone we had a cta that was talked of for 3 days and only got 120 ships 50 geddons and 40 logi lol 
-and to be really frank u can come in do what u want maka and zum will give u what u want. 
-i know you wont do it wardo but if you do i have 4plex to re sub ur accounts and u get to shoot all of eve.the fact is AAA lost all its sov and alot of its people the isk is still there (you know how russians are) but with pl and test arround we cant field our moms and our titans just bridge and our only friend is coven. 20-70man gangs are still easy to get in eu but we have no fc cobra2k is shit makalu is us tz and the russians wont fly with english speakers. so we need a good fc i know you dont play anymore and i know you hate AAA but trust me we are not the blob anymore ffs i live in npc nullsec. if anything give it a go for free for a month m8 and if you like what u see stay ill get you a titan if you dont just say im done and i wont give you anymore plex. alots changed in the game m8 
-miss you much sugar bumb. 

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