Alliance - Description - 2014-03-13 07:00:49 - Live Ticker



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 I know, I know it's bigger on the inside......The Doctor I know, I know it's bigger on the inside......The Doctor
 Honesty and Group Play Honesty and Group Play
 The trick to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss......Douglas Adams,Hitchhiker Guide To the Galaxy The trick to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss......Douglas Adams,Hitchhiker Guide To the Galaxy
 We accept corps that are willing to work together towards forwarding gameplay for all members. Send a message to Zador42. Include your corp's preferred game play type and why you feel your group will fit in with ours. We accept corps that are willing to work together towards forwarding gameplay for all members. Send a message to Zador42. Include your corp's preferred game play type and why you feel your group will fit in with ours.
 We search for the Question though we know the answer is 42. We search for the Question though we know the answer is 42.
 All applications by new players to join the alliance are to go through recruitment officers of  All applications by new players to join the alliance are to go through recruitment officers of
 Have fun storming the castle! Have fun storming the castle!
 +For Contact
 +Zador42 Alliance Leader
 +Nizhoni Usoko 2nd in Command
 +Tar Arrun Sunset Null Sec
 +Wynona Borden Hi Sec
 +Shannagins WH Space

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Resources 2014-03-13 07:00:49 Alliance Description
Alliance Dalek Asylum Member 0
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