Corporation - Description - 2014-03-22 08:38:59 - Live Ticker



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-Although we are primarily an exploration corp, +We are primarily an exploration corp,
 our corporation members are also experienced in other fields.  our corporation members are also experienced in other fields.
 Our operations are diverse and we have much to offer new or returning players.  Our operations are diverse and we have much to offer new or returning players.
 We will do anything and everything to expand, get rich, and protect our corperate holdings. We will do anything and everything to expand, get rich, and protect our corperate holdings.
 Taxes for our members are low and we have a fluid structure that maximizes initiative and profit. Taxes for our members are low and we have a fluid structure that maximizes initiative and profit.
 If our corporation interests you, feel free to contact our CEO Dimitri Falco, or our Directors Marus Orochi and Pvt Stash to join our Public channel Smoothe Public. If our corporation interests you, feel free to contact our CEO Dimitri Falco, or our Directors Marus Orochi and Pvt Stash to join our Public channel Smoothe Public.

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Resources 2014-03-22 08:38:59 Corporation Description
Corporation Smoothe Around The Edges Member 1
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