Corporation - Description - 2008-10-30 14:15:59 - Live Ticker



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 If you are looking for a friendly corp look no farther than GenX Societies Inc. We specialize in cooperation, teamwork and helping eachother with our goals. Weely roaming ops into lowsec, mining ops, ( Untill ore theifs come around) exploration ops, LvL 1-5 mission running and ALOT of PVE! Looking to expand into PvP and lowsec roaming. VENTRILO New players welcome. If you are interested or would like more details,  If you are looking for a friendly corp look no farther than GenX Societies Inc. We specialize in cooperation, teamwork and helping eachother with our goals. Weely roaming ops into lowsec, mining ops, ( Untill ore theifs come around) exploration ops, LvL 1-5 mission running and ALOT of PVE! Looking to expand into PvP and lowsec roaming. VENTRILO New players welcome. If you are interested or would like more details,
-join public channel " GENX SOCIETIES " or contact: GreatWhiteSeven +join public channel " GENX SOCIETIES " or contact:

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Resources 2008-10-30 14:15:59 Corporation Description
Alliance Rule of Three Member 0
Corporation GenX Societies Inc. Member 8
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