Corporation - Description - 2014-04-04 08:04:20 - Live Ticker



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 U.N.M.C. - UNMC Is Now Recruiting!  U.N.M.C. - UNMC Is Now Recruiting!
 UnitedNationsMilitaryCorp "Stand as 1" UnitedNationsMilitaryCorp "Stand as 1"
 Respect,Honor,Loyalty Respect,Honor,Loyalty
 â€œEven Though I walk through the darkest valley of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me”-Psalm23:4 â€œEven Though I walk through the darkest valley of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me”-Psalm23:4
 UNMC is currently broken down into 3 sections  UNMC is currently broken down into 3 sections
 -Mining Ops -Mining Ops
 -Mission Runs/PVE -Mission Runs/PVE
 -Industry: Ie-Manufacturing trade goods -Industry: Ie-Manufacturing trade goods
 Interested in any of these things? Feel that you can contribute? Wish to find out more? If so send message to BlackIce00 or join our recruiting channel(UNMC Recruiting) Interested in any of these things? Feel that you can contribute? Wish to find out more? If so send message to BlackIce00 or join our recruiting channel(UNMC Recruiting)

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Resources 2014-04-04 08:04:20 Corporation Description
Corporation U.N.M.C. Member 9
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