Corporation - Description - 2014-04-09 08:18:47 - Live Ticker



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 Kobol Defense Force is a corporation of like minded players who want to have fun. We are built on a bedrock of solid players. Three core values built this corporation. Kobol Defense Force is a corporation of like minded players who want to have fun. We are built on a bedrock of solid players. Three core values built this corporation.
 â¶Courage â¶Courage
 â·Honor â·Honor
 â¸Commitment â¸Commitment
 We try to branch out into all areas of eve and try all New Eden has to offer. Established in 2009 by Rynar Kor, KDF has grown to become a strong group of players living primarily in null-sec. We try to branch out into all areas of eve and try all New Eden has to offer. Established in 2009 by Rynar Kor, KDF has grown to become a strong group of players living primarily in null-sec.
 What We Do: What We Do:
 â‰ŽMake spaceships explode, â‰ŽMake spaceships explode,
 â‰ŽBuild Spaceships (So they can explode) â‰ŽBuild Spaceships (So they can explode)
 â‰ŽTrade Equipment (Used to make ships explode) â‰ŽTrade Equipment (Used to make ships explode)
 â‰ŽSov Holders (So everyone knows who is in charge of making ships explode) â‰ŽSov Holders (So everyone knows who is in charge of making ships explode)
 Our doors are always open to anyone that wants to come have some fun. Our doors are always open to anyone that wants to come have some fun.
 Recruiters: Recruiters:
-t3hWarrior - Making spaceships explode, +Rynar Kor - Making spaceships explode,
-Myravingian - Making spaceships explode, +Rogun Kashnar - Making spaceships explode,
-Burton UnIncSR - Making spaceships explode, 
 Vasilisa Dragov - Building Spaceships (So they can explode) Vasilisa Dragov - Building Spaceships (So they can explode)

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Resources 2014-04-09 08:18:47 Corporation Description
Alliance SpaceMonkey's Alliance Member 703
Corporation Kobol Defense Force Member 5
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