Corporation - Description - 2008-11-16 14:18:57 - Live Ticker



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-The Absence of perfection is perfection, absolut discipline in ones craft should be the goal. +The Absence of perfection is perfection, absolute discipline in ones craft should be the goal.
-We run system defense and ratt our tails off to add to local market. We do have access to some excellent 0.0 territory as well as ways to get every one out there safely. We are also looking for mine and indy, we will protect u out here. +We run system defense and rat our tails off to add to local market. We do have access to some excellent 0.0 territory as well as ways to get every one out there safely. We are also looking for mine and indy, we will protect u out here.
-Man goal is to build a big corp and become well known. +Main goal is to build a big corp and become well known.
 Corp is also built on the idea, what is in the corp vault is for every one, lose something we will try to repalce it for u.. Corp is also built on the idea, what is in the corp vault is for every one, lose something we will try to repalce it for u..

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Resources 2008-11-16 14:18:57 Corporation Description
Alliance OWN Alliance Member 0
Corporation Sabre's Brigade Member 0
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