Corporation - Description - 2014-04-19 08:01:37 - Live Ticker



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 Small But Awesome Combat Corp With Slight Racist Tendencies and love for porn. Small But Awesome Combat Corp With Slight Racist Tendencies and love for porn.
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 Tactical Insertion Team is an active PVP corporation for players of all skill levels. We are a primarily US-TZ corporation for casual and hardcore pilots who want regular small gang PVP. We do not care about your SP as much as your attitude. Tactical Insertion Team is an active PVP corporation for players of all skill levels. We are a primarily US-TZ corporation for casual and hardcore pilots who want regular small gang PVP. We do not care about your SP as much as your attitude.
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 CEO: John McHenry CEO: John McHenry
 Director: Ace Hawk LowerSioux  Director: Ace Hawk LowerSioux
-Recruitment: John McHenry, Ace Hawk LowerSioux +Recruitment: John McHenry, Ace Hawk LowerSioux, urdead5141
 Diplomat: Ace Hawk LowerSioux  Diplomat: Ace Hawk LowerSioux
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 If you are looking at this because you were offended by anything you read/saw in fleet or alliance chat please send us a mail telling us about your experince. We would love to read about it! If you are looking at this because you were offended by anything you read/saw in fleet or alliance chat please send us a mail telling us about your experince. We would love to read about it!
 Thank you, Thank you,
 Tactical Insertion Team HR Department Tactical Insertion Team HR Department

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Resources 2014-04-19 08:01:37 Corporation Description
Alliance Spaceship Samurai Member 2
Corporation Tactical Insertion Team Member 16
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