Corporation - Description - 2014-04-26 08:04:50 - Live Ticker



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 U.N.M.C. - UNMC Is Now Recruiting!  U.N.M.C. - UNMC Is Now Recruiting!
 UnitedNationsMilitaryCorp "Stand as 1" UnitedNationsMilitaryCorp "Stand as 1"
 Respect,Honor,Loyalty Respect,Honor,Loyalty
 â€œEven Though I walk through the darkest valley of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me”-Psalm23:4 â€œEven Though I walk through the darkest valley of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me”-Psalm23:4
 UNMC is currently broken down into 3 sections  UNMC is currently broken down into 3 sections
 -Mining Ops -Mining Ops
 -Mission Runs/PVE -Mission Runs/PVE
 -Industry: Ie-Manufacturing trade goods -Industry: Ie-Manufacturing trade goods
-Interested in any of these things? Feel that you can contribute? Wish to find out more? If so send message to BlackIce00 or join our recruiting channel(UNMC Recruiting) +Interested in any of these things? Feel that you can contribute? Wish to find out more? If so send message to Geronimo Alvarado

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Resources 2014-04-26 08:04:50 Corporation Description
Corporation U.N.M.C. Member 9
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