Corporation - Description - 2014-06-06 22:00:28 - Live Ticker



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 High-sec based exploration corp. High-sec based exploration corp.
 For both the bittervet and the player who wants something new. For both the bittervet and the player who wants something new.
 Our favorite activity is sneaking up on nullsec sites. Our favorite activity is sneaking up on nullsec sites.
 We have a relaxed atmosphere and a good logistical backbone, keeping eve simple and aiming for maximum pleasure. We have a relaxed atmosphere and a good logistical backbone, keeping eve simple and aiming for maximum pleasure.
 If you're interested get in our public chat "TRECI". If you're interested get in our public chat "TRECI".
 Read up on how to apply here: Read up on how to apply here:
 Diplo: iLLeLogical Diplo: iLLeLogical
 CEO: Walextheone CEO: Walextheone
-Directors: iLLeLogical, Maude Freelight, Protoburger +Directors: iLLeLogical, Intana Kreis, Maude Freelight, Protoburger
-Management: BorisKarlov, Devian Chase, Intana Kreis +Management: BorisKarlov, Devian Chase
-Recruitment: Kojendyr, TheGreatBelow, Valencia Mariana 
 +Recruitment: Kojendyr, TheGreatBelow, Valencia Mariana, Joshua Boston, Nors Phlebas Sabelhpsron, Terra Infector Adoudel

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Resources 2014-06-06 22:00:28 Corporation Description
Corporation The Red Circle Inc. Member 82
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