Corporation - Description - 2014-06-24 09:34:31 - Live Ticker



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 I only tell lies. I never, ever say anything that's true. I only tell lies. I never, ever say anything that's true.
 A curious dilemma.  A curious dilemma.
 Because if what I said is true, that means I wasn't lying. And if what I said is false, that would mean that I did tell the truth. How do you resolve this perplexing contradicton? Because if what I said is true, that means I wasn't lying. And if what I said is false, that would mean that I did tell the truth. How do you resolve this perplexing contradicton?
 +Join channel "Kaede Public"

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Resources 2014-06-24 09:34:31 Corporation Description
Alliance Northern Associates. Member 136
Corporation Kamakura Kaede Member 0
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