Corporation - Description - 2014-06-30 09:06:26 - Live Ticker



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 We are an Ancient Mist that decends over the battlefield. We arise like wraiths to meet any foe who stands before us, and when the deadening silence befalls the field of battle, the only thing left will be the remnants of our foes, and our brave brothers who gallently fought on fearlessly. We are an Ancient Mist that decends over the battlefield. We arise like wraiths to meet any foe who stands before us, and when the deadening silence befalls the field of battle, the only thing left will be the remnants of our foes, and our brave brothers who gallently fought on fearlessly.
 Together we will teach those who would oppose us to dread the oncoming Mist that stems forth from our presence. WE will prove to our allies the worth of the AM banner, Together we will teach those who would oppose us to dread the oncoming Mist that stems forth from our presence. WE will prove to our allies the worth of the AM banner,
 We are Ancient Mist We are Ancient Mist
-EU TZ Contact : Grim Reaper Knight (ENG/DUTCH) +EU TZ Contact : Mist Lady (ENG/DUTCH)
-US TZ Contact : Rowen Giamaar (ENG) +EU/US TZ Contact : Sir Ganjalot Dimaloun (ENG)
-AM Diplomat : Elynor Sorrow (ENG/RUS/UA) +AM Diplomat : Elynor Sorrow (ENG/RUS/UA)
-God Bless 

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Resources 2014-06-30 09:06:26 Corporation Description
Corporation Ancient Mist Member 0
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