Corporation - Description - 2014-07-07 09:10:22 - Live Ticker



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-Celestial Pheonix Industires (Cephi) is a corporation that is based around all industry. Industry may be defined as the "aggregate of manufacturing or technically productive enterprises in a particular field, often named after its principal product," but a more general definition is "any general business activity; commercial enterprise." And to us, everything is business. From PvP to Mining to Production, Cephi plans to be a corp that covers all fields. We plan on moving to wormhole space, as well. +We are Celestial Phoenix Industries, and we want you!
-We offer: 
--organized corp operations+Celestial Phoenix Industries, shortened to Cephi, Is a corp built around several veterans who fell out of the action for a while. Now, we are looking to get back into the game and make a mark- and we are looking for motivated individuals to make that mark with. Experienced at many paths in eve- from PvP to PvE, Exploration to Mining and Industry- we are searching for people of all trades to grow and prosper with us. Whether you are a veteren, or a fresh capsuleer just getting your first ship, we will welcome you to our corp with enthusiasm and work together so we can all succeed.
 +Who we are:
 +- Veteran players who know a bit about all paths in eve
 +- Teamwork oriented, motivated individuals - who also know how to kick back and relax now and then
--assistance in finding your path, and the skills you will need to train for said path, which leads to+- On the industrial side- Orca support, as well as freighters for hauling things
 +- PvP experienced individuals - while you may now see us on the killboards, we know how to really put up a fight!
 +- We also have teamspeak!
 +- Primarily a NA region corp, but we are open to anyone!
--suggestions for fittings, skill plans, etc, along with skill training assistance. cheap skills we can offer for free. expensive ones we can make a deal for if it is helpful for the corp. +Who we are lookign for:
 +In short: just about anyone!
 +- Motivated, Mature individuals who want to work as a team.
--An actually active CEO(even if the hours are weird) - while the corp is laid back, we value members who are on more, even if its only an hour a day.+- All paths of eve are welcome in our corp: from PvPers to Mission runners to Explorers to Miners- however we do tend to frown upon shameless unprovoked piracy.
 +- While we have a preference for more active players, so long as you can log on at least 2-3 times a week on a regular schedule- we can work with that! However, joining then being away from the game for a month with no warning will most likely get you booted. We are here to work as a team, and its hard to be a team when people aren't there.
--A friendly helpful atmosphere where you can learn and grow, and a common goal to look forward to the future+Our only real requirements for joining are:
--cheap ship relacement. I can offer up free t1 frigates, drones, ammo, modules, rigs, etc whenever you are flying on behalf of the corp, and in certain situations for new players+- API verification, limited at the very least (we will provide preferred guidelines)
--as soon as we actually have people to have fleets, there will be fleets, starting with multiple times a week but leading to multiple times a day as more and more people join.-will be doing wormhole excursions in the near future, as soon as we have a decent fleet. mining, sleepers, etc+- While it is not a firm requirement, we do have teamspeak and would prefer if others had the capability. This makes fleet operations easier, and more fun.
--will be running lowsec roams once we have a good fleet. nearby lowsec to practice your PvP in. can provide cheap ships to help with that- assuming you follow certain guidelines (i.e. dont go getting a new ship every five minutes and suicide it. same as above)+- A good team spirit: you will be probably asked to join in some operations now and then, and we encourage working as teams for everything you can!
 +- A semi regular game schedule. We aren't going to ask you be on every single day. We have lives too, we know how it goes. But, we would like people to put in at least 6-8 hours a week, spread between at least 2-3 days. Obviously we can be flexible, so long as you just tell us in advance.
-We ask: 
--API key for anyone who joins+Join our recruting channel Cephi Recruit, or contact a recruiter to apply!
 +Hyperion Aurgnet (CEO)
--A mature audience- and by that i mean no vulgarity or trolling or anything of the sort. We are here to have fun and get things done, not act like hormonal, angsty preteens =)+Goat God Major Xadi mine mine Noban (directors)
--Trial accounts are only welcome under certain circumstances, and must be approved by the CEO before acceptance 
--Like a pheonix we arise from the ashes. Though the stars may burn us to the core, we will always arise to show ourselves once more.- 
 "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible." "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible."
 We are Cephi. We are dreamers. We are many, we are one. We have a dream. We have a goal. We dream in our sleep, and we dream in our wake. We are Cephi. We are dreamers. We are many, we are one. We have a dream. We have a goal. We dream in our sleep, and we dream in our wake.

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Resources 2014-07-07 09:10:22 Corporation Description
Corporation Celestial Phoenix Industries Member 3
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