Corporation - Description - 2014-07-09 09:01:06 - Live Ticker



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-If you are contacted by Murakami you have just hit the jackpot. This guy is the best and speaks for us all! 
-Any questions contact Ravenal / Murakami 
-We will never try to make isk from our members,  
-We will try to make our members rich. 
-Fated Public if u wanna join  
-2nd largest production corp in EVE (E-ON issue#7) 
-3rd larges mining corp in EVE (lolz - we havent mined in 2 years) (E-ON issue#4) 
 Fate is what you make of it. Fate is what you make of it.
 Control your own fate... Control your own fate...
 using T2 items produced by The Fated: using T2 items produced by The Fated:
 1400mm Artillery Cannon II 1400mm Artillery Cannon II
 1200mm Artillery Cannon II 1200mm Artillery Cannon II
 125mm Gatling gun II 125mm Gatling gun II
 250mm Light Artillery cannon II 250mm Light Artillery cannon II
 425mm Autocannon II 425mm Autocannon II
 Barrage L Barrage L
 Barrage M Barrage M
 Barrage S Barrage S
 Berserker II Berserker II
 Cataclysm Fury Cruise Missile II Cataclysm Fury Cruise Missile II
 Devastator Precision Cruise Missile II Devastator Precision Cruise Missile II
 Dual 250mm Railgun II Dual 250mm Railgun II
 Dual 425mm Autocannon II (C) Dual 425mm Autocannon II (C)
 Focused Medium Pulse Laser II Focused Medium Pulse Laser II
 Hail L T2 autocannon ammo Hail L T2 autocannon ammo
 Hail M T2 autocannon ammo Hail M T2 autocannon ammo
 Hail S T2 autocannon ammo Hail S T2 autocannon ammo
 Harpy Harpy
 Havoc Precision missile Havoc Precision missile
 Heavy Ion Blaster II Heavy Ion Blaster II
 Hobgoblin II Hobgoblin II
 Juggernaut Javelin Torpedo Juggernaut Javelin Torpedo
 Juggernaut Rage Torpedo Juggernaut Rage Torpedo
 Ladar Backup Array II Ladar Backup Array II
 Medium Mobile Warp Disruptor II Medium Mobile Warp Disruptor II
 Medium Plasma Smartbomb II Medium Plasma Smartbomb II
 Miner II Miner II
 Null L Null L
 Null M Null M
 Omber Mining Crystal II Omber Mining Crystal II
 Phalanx Rage Rocket II Phalanx Rage Rocket II
 Sabretooth Fury Light Missile II Sabretooth Fury Light Missile II
 Scourge Fury Heavy Missile II Scourge Fury Heavy Missile II
 Scourge Precision Heavy Missile II Scourge Precision Heavy Missile II
 Signal Distortion Amplifier II Signal Distortion Amplifier II
 Tracking Computer II Tracking Computer II
 Tracking Link II Tracking Link II
 Quake L Quake L
 Carriers: Carriers:
 Archon Archon
 Nidhoggur Nidhoggur
 Thanatos Thanatos
 Chimera Chimera
 +Supercarriers: Nyx
 Dreads: Dreads:
 Phoenix Phoenix
 Moros  Moros
 Naglfar Naglfar
 Revelation Revelation
 Freighters: Freighters:
 Fenrir Fenrir
 Obelisk Obelisk
 Providence Providence
 Charon Charon
 "Concern for man himself and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavor. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations." "Concern for man himself and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavor. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations."
 -Albert Einstein -Albert Einstein

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Resources 2014-07-09 09:01:06 Corporation Description
Alliance E.Y Member 0
Corporation The Fated Member 63
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