Corporation - Description - 2014-07-21 09:13:10 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Nexus Incorporated - Since 2003. Nexus Incorporated - Since 2003.
-Information brokers extraordinaire. 
-Noise is the opposite of information. Sometimes it's hype, other times it's inaccurate ideas, other times it's inaccurate data; noise has many forms. Noise is everywhere in the economy and we can rarely tell the difference between it and information. (2014 July). 
-We move worlds, one mountain at a time. 
-We are looking for a single experienced person with extensive nullsec politics experience(minimum 5 years). The employment will be by proxy, meaning you will not join Nexus. Payment is done on a case by case. (1-20 bil range). 
-Do you have information that you think is worth something to someone, but not sure who? Contact us and let us help you find a buyer. 

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Resources 2014-07-21 09:13:10 Corporation Description
Corporation Nexus Incorporated Member 4
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