Corporation - Description - 2014-07-23 08:57:02 - Live Ticker



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-Laid back Null-sec Corp. looking for mature, active players from EU/UK/US timezones. +Laid-back Null Corp looking for mature, active players in EU/UK timezone.
-We want team-players, who works for our corp as well as the alliances goals. +We have been living in Null for a while now and have a nice setup - we are looking to expand our corporation and need new members to do this!
-Our minimum requirements are: 
-- You have basic game skills - we require 5 mil SP 
-- You are social, and active on our voice chat (Mumble).+Currently we are looking for players interested in PvP to expand our own roams/fleets, and also Industry focused players, as we begin to focus on Corp-wide ship construction.
-- You are a part of the team. 
-- You send us full API. 
 What we offer: What we offer:
 +- Mumble Server.
 +- Alliance Ship Replacement Programme, so you don't have to worry about your fleet losses.
 +- Small to medium sized PvP fleets, with experienced Alliance FCs.
 +- Stable ratting systems with excellent income.
 +- Mining systems with boosts, and a Corp buy-back system (expanding with the Crius patch).
 +- Corp and Alliance killboard, with competition encouraged.
 +Our minimum requirements are:
 +- 10 mil SP.
-- Mumble for Voice communications (Mandatory).+- You are comfortable with voice-comms.
-- PVP training on Alliance level. 
-- Small to Medium PVP operations. 
-- Assigned mining systems. 
-- The usual opportunities to make isk in 00 space. 
 +- You have good general game-knowledge.
 +- You can send a full API.
-- Leadership are open to ideas of any kind.+Join our public channel Rubul today!

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Resources 2014-07-23 08:57:02 Corporation Description
Alliance Evictus. Member 1
Corporation Rubber Bullet Inc. Member 1
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