Corporation - Description - 2014-08-01 08:20:24 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Knights of Azrael are open for recruiting. We are looking for PvP Pilots. Currently we reside in Tribute, We are an experienced group and have explored a variety of different aspects in this game. Knights of Azrael are open for recruiting. We are looking for PvP Pilots. Currently we reside in Tribute, We are an experienced group and have explored a variety of different aspects in this game.
 -US/EU Timezone -US/EU Timezone
 -NBSI Policy -NBSI Policy
 -Alliance Ops -Alliance Ops
 -Experienced Members -Experienced Members
 -Alliance SRP -Alliance SRP
 -Multi-Aspect Oriented, PvP/PvE/Industry -Multi-Aspect Oriented, PvP/PvE/Industry
 If you are looking for a corporation that can give you this kind access and help to achieve the common goals then we might be for you!  If you are looking for a corporation that can give you this kind access and help to achieve the common goals then we might be for you!
 Join channel: K.O.A Lounge to get to know us better. Join channel: K.O.A Lounge to get to know us better.
 Recruiters/Directors/CEO:  Recruiters/Directors/CEO:
-Hottspitta jR (Acting CEO US Tz) +Hottspitta jR (Founder Member,Acting CEO US Tz)
-Katara TBE (Director EU Tz) +Katara TBE (Founder Member,Director EU Tz)
 OblivionsNight (Officer US Tz) OblivionsNight (Officer US Tz)
 Draven MCcloud / AngelofDeath666 (CEO US Tz) (Currently busy with RL) Draven MCcloud / AngelofDeath666 (CEO US Tz) (Currently busy with RL)
 Requirements:  Requirements:
 -Full API Verification -Full API Verification
 -Headset -Headset
 Last Update: 19/07/2014 Last Update: 19/07/2014

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Resources 2014-08-01 08:20:24 Corporation Description
Alliance Circle-Of-Two Member 132
Corporation Knights of Azrael Member 4
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