Corporation - Description - 2014-08-14 08:08:43 - Live Ticker



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 Caldari militia corporation  Caldari militia corporation
-UK PvP corp based in lowsec. +PvP corp based in lowsec.
 "Caldari Prime burns, those left behind are choking on the dust and ash that fills the air, and you demand our surrender? Is this a joke? You have only hardened our resolve. Every drop of blood you have taken from us will be repaid -- with interest." "Caldari Prime burns, those left behind are choking on the dust and ash that fills the air, and you demand our surrender? Is this a joke? You have only hardened our resolve. Every drop of blood you have taken from us will be repaid -- with interest."
 - CEP response to Federation demands for unconditional surrender after initial bombardment of Caldari Prime. CE 23155.1.18 - CEP response to Federation demands for unconditional surrender after initial bombardment of Caldari Prime. CE 23155.1.18

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Resources 2014-08-14 08:08:43 Corporation Description
Corporation Aggrivated Assault Member 3
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