Corporation - Description - 2014-08-28 08:01:06 - Live Ticker



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 +NRDS in Great Wildlands
 +NRDS in Providence
 +NBSI in other regions
 +*NRDS = Not Red Don't Shoot*
 +*NBSI = Not Blue Shoot It*
 This is a startup PVP corp where anyone is welcome as long as they have some basic experience in PVP or at least willing to learn! We also accept PVE folks, but they have to be able to at least fly a Tech 1 frig with a setup that can use at least a Warp Scrambler II, Warp Disruptor II, 1MN Afterburner II, and/or 1MN Microwarpdrive II. In other words a basic tackling setup for PVP.  This is a startup PVP corp where anyone is welcome as long as they have some basic experience in PVP or at least willing to learn! We also accept PVE folks, but they have to be able to at least fly a Tech 1 frig with a setup that can use at least a Warp Scrambler II, Warp Disruptor II, 1MN Afterburner II, and/or 1MN Microwarpdrive II. In other words a basic tackling setup for PVP.
-We are a laid back crowd that enjoys PVPing, and having a good time. +We are a laid back crew that enjoys PVPing, and having a good time.
 This corp operates primarily in lowsec and nullsec.  This corp operates primarily in lowsec and nullsec.
 Contact details;  Contact details;
 CEO: St'oto  CEO: St'oto
 Diplomat: St'oto  Diplomat: St'oto
 Recruitment: St'oto Recruitment: St'oto
 Alliance Diplomant: Lycarious  Alliance Diplomant: Lycarious
 If you want to talk or would like to join please join the channel Outlanders United Pub !  If you want to talk or would like to join please join the channel Outlanders United Pub !

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Resources 2014-08-28 08:01:06 Corporation Description
Alliance Outlanders United Member 0
Corporation Hell's Death Squad Member 7
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