Corporation - Description - 2009-03-01 14:43:52 - Live Ticker



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-To Err Is Human; To Forgive is not Corporation Policy. +To Err Is Human; To Forgive Is Not Corporation Policy.
-We're Friendly to All... unless you aren't. +We're friendly to all... unless you aren't.
 Building ourselves a more prosperous life in EVE, perhaps at your expense... Building ourselves a more prosperous life in EVE, perhaps at your expense...
 TERN is built with it's members' relief in mind, be it physical, mental, sexual, or all of the above.  TERN is built with it's members' relief in mind, be it physical, mental, sexual, or all of the above.
-Ammunition, alcohol, shuttles, drones, narcotics, as well as a large variety of equipment will be provided to members for free. 
 +T2 manufacture at its finest.
-All kinds of players appreciated. Loyalty and honesty are essential, clothing-- optional. +All kinds of players welcome. Loyalty and honesty are essential; clothing, optional.
 You like to mine? Melt some roids with us. You like to mine? Melt some roids with us.
 You like to manufacture? Come build shit with us. We will build for you or provide BPCs at reduced prices. Even Minerals on the house! You like to manufacture? Come build shit with us. We will build for you or provide BPCs at reduced prices. Even Minerals on the house!
 You like to PvP? PewPew with us. Corp will provide ships and modules at no cost or reduced prices. You like to PvP? PewPew with us. Corp will provide ships and modules at no cost or reduced prices.
 Visit our public channel TERN for questions. Visit our public channel TERN for questions.
 Contacts: Szeth Kiros, Marcus Gears, Pandemoniac/Capek Contacts: Szeth Kiros, Marcus Gears, Pandemoniac/Capek
-Welcoming people of all EVE backgrounds. +Welcoming people from all eveological backgrounds.
 1Million SP encouraged, but lower SP's negotiable. 1Million SP encouraged, but lower SP's negotiable.
-Ventrilo and Killboard available.+Forums, ventrilo, and killboard available.
 The cluster is waiting... Join the crew. The cluster is waiting... Join the crew.

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Resources 2009-03-01 14:43:52 Corporation Description
Alliance Shadows Syndicate Member 0
Corporation Terra Nostra Member 3
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