Corporation - Description - 2009-03-02 14:17:19 - Live Ticker



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-We are rebuilding and need fresh hearts, minds, and spirits to fuel this. All are welcome. 
-This is a Feudalistic Warfare and Industral Corporation. +This is a Feudalistic Warfare and Industral Corporation based on the best traditions of our history.
 "Feudalism is a political system composed of a set of reciprocal legal and military obligations among the warrior nobility." "Feudalism is a political system composed of a set of reciprocal legal and military obligations among the warrior nobility."
-The CEO is the King and lord over all the Corporation has access to and owns. He also is given no special things, he is just a leadership role and nothing more. The nobles are the ones with the power, and most of you are nobles. 
-The Dukes are the heads of each major Military unit as well as the Industral arms of the corporation. These Dukes are allowed access to land and title, of which gives them a source of revenue. These Dukes have limited autonomous control over these lands and the Counts below them. All Dukes form together to be the Kings Counsel. 
-Counts comprise the middle rank of leadership and are often the men leading smaller groups or projects within each unit. These men recived payment based from the revenues of the lands they recieve from thier Dukes or from the work, or payment for such work.  
-The Lords are the men who form the largest group and are the fighters and miners of this corporation. They are paid for there effort through the ability to hunt the counts and dukes lands, and through direct payments for services in fighting and mining. These men are provided for and looked after by their Leaders both in training and equipment. 

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Resources 2009-03-02 14:17:19 Corporation Description
Alliance Arcane Alliance Member 0
Corporation Titan Space Corporation Member 1
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