Corporation - Description - 2014-09-20 22:00:35 - Live Ticker



Old New
-High-sec based exploration corp. 
-For both the bittervet and the player who wants something new. 
-Our favorite activity is sneaking up on nullsec sites.+Wspace based wspace/nullsec small gang corp.
 We have a relaxed atmosphere and a good logistical backbone, keeping eve simple and aiming for maximum pleasure. We have a relaxed atmosphere and a good logistical backbone, keeping eve simple and aiming for maximum pleasure.
 If you're interested get in our public chat "TRECI". If you're interested get in our public chat "TRECI".
-Read up on how to apply here: +Read up on how to apply here:
 Diplo: iLLeLogical Diplo: iLLeLogical
 CEO: Walextheone CEO: Walextheone
 Directors: iLLeLogical, Intana Kreis, Maude Freelight, Protoburger Directors: iLLeLogical, Intana Kreis, Maude Freelight, Protoburger
 Management: BorisKarlov, Devian Chase Management: BorisKarlov, Devian Chase
-Recruitment: Kojendyr, TheGreatBelow, Valencia Mariana, Joshua Boston, Nors Phlebas Sabelhpsron, Terra Infector Adoudel +Recruitment: Kojendyr, TheGreatBelow, Joshua Boston, Intana Kreis

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Resources 2014-09-20 22:00:35 Corporation Description
Alliance Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork Member 235
Corporation The Red Circle Inc. Member 82
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