Corporation - Description - 2014-10-04 08:50:26 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Mainly High sec corp(for now) geared mostly to mining, mission running, and helping people learn the game or whatever. Null access through our alliance, with frequent pvp classes. TS3. If your looking for people to hang with and help teach the game join up. Also don't be easily offended or a douche. +High sec/Null corp with highly experianced members and alliance. We love women, whiskey, and things that go pewpewpew. Null access through our alliance, with frequent pvp classes. TS3. If your looking for people to hang with and help teach the game join up. Also don't be easily offended or a douche.
 "Oh shit I'm stuck on a rock" "Oh shit I'm stuck on a rock"
  - Anelys  - Anelys
 "Rocks before cocks" "Rocks before cocks"
 - Jornak - Jornak
 "If you close your eyes, everyone's black" "If you close your eyes, everyone's black"
  - Peanut  - Peanut
 "It was an autopilot mistake" "It was an autopilot mistake"
  - Connor  - Connor
 "You awoxed an awoxer" "You awoxed an awoxer"
  - Nat the Awoxer   - Nat the Awoxer

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Resources 2014-10-04 08:50:26 Corporation Description
Alliance Dark Knights of Eden Member 0
Corporation Silly Little Devils Member 9
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