Corporation - Description - 2009-03-11 14:59:42 - Live Ticker



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 Anti-Pirate and Stricktly NRDS Anti-Pirate and Stricktly NRDS
 +TNT is a low sec corporation with active membership and leadership with vision and direction. Our goal is to assist with anti-pirate activities and low sec defence of the Placid Region of New Eden.
 TNT Capital Shipyards produces Carriers, Dreadnaughts, Freighters. Please contact Tyers Duen, Machi Duen, or Feral Khan for pricing and availability. We have continuous production and may have what you want for immediate delivery. If we don't we can build it. TNT Capital Shipyards produces Carriers, Dreadnaughts, Freighters. Please contact Tyers Duen, Machi Duen, or Feral Khan for pricing and availability. We have continuous production and may have what you want for immediate delivery. If we don't we can build it.
 Capital Ships, Capital Mods, Fighters, Ammo. We can produce what you need in any order size. Capital Ships, Capital Mods, Fighters, Ammo. We can produce what you need in any order size.
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 We have a continuing need for PvP, Mining, and Industrial Members. We have activity expectations and regularly remove inactive characters from our ranks. Alts are welcome if your main character is in the corp. We have a continuing need for PvP, Mining, and Industrial Members. We have activity expectations and regularly remove inactive characters from our ranks. Alts are welcome if your main character is in the corp.
 Limited API and interview are required for application to TNT. Limited API and interview are required for application to TNT.
 Contact Tyers Duen for an interview. Contact Tyers Duen for an interview.
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 Join Channel "TNT. Public" to speak with us. Join Channel "TNT. Public" to speak with us.
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 We are fornerly known as PezCo - Ice Services. New Name. New Management. New Attitude. Bigger Goals We are fornerly known as PezCo - Ice Services. New Name. New Management. New Attitude. Bigger Goals

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Resources 2009-03-11 14:59:42 Corporation Description
Corporation Tenacious Tendencies Member 5
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API J:01 Mar 11:36 K:01 Mar 11:32 C:01 Mar 10:00 A:01 Mar 11:36 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:01 Mar 11:33 S:01 Mar 11:34 W:01 Mar 11:15