Corporation - Description - 2014-10-30 08:58:16 - Live Ticker



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 The Mechanical Basterds are a Heimatar based corporation foucsed on the invention and manufacturing of advanced starships. We were formed by several veterans with years of experience in eve online, and hope to grow to become an industrial powerhouse in the heart of Empire space.  The Mechanical Basterds are a Heimatar based corporation foucsed on the invention and manufacturing of advanced starships. We were formed by several veterans with years of experience in eve online, and hope to grow to become an industrial powerhouse in the heart of Empire space.
 We Offer We Offer
 - Maxed out Orca/Rorqual Bonuses - Maxed out Orca/Rorqual Bonuses
 - Experienced Mission Runners ... aka bored folk to grind missions with - Experienced Mission Runners ... aka bored folk to grind missions with
-- Weekly roams with corp provided ships +- Weekly Low Sec Ops (More as we grow)
 - A reason to cackle with an evil laugh if someone calls you a basterd in local (also you get to correct their spelling, Daniel) - A reason to cackle with an evil laugh if someone calls you a basterd in local (also you get to correct their spelling, Daniel)
 - Pay for work - Pay for work
  Two of our members have been working tirelessly since the corporations formation to write programs to allow us to easily track invention, manufacturing and research. We used that to then create a payroll system based on what our pilots have actually done. Meaning if the corp asks you to do something, you get paid for it, instead of blown up.   Two of our members have been working tirelessly since the corporations formation to write programs to allow us to easily track invention, manufacturing and research. We used that to then create a payroll system based on what our pilots have actually done. Meaning if the corp asks you to do something, you get paid for it, instead of blown up.
 If you think the basterds are the right place for you or just want to learn more about the corp, then join channel MEK B Public or contact Vaneel Tremurn or Jahpahjay If you think the basterds are the right place for you or just want to learn more about the corp, then join channel MEK B Public or contact Vaneel Tremurn or Jahpahjay

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Resources 2014-10-30 08:58:16 Corporation Description
Alliance Associated Basterds Member 37
Corporation Mechanical Basterds Member 52
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