Corporation - Description - 2009-03-15 14:42:19 - Live Ticker



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 +1st corp rule: "My mom came to me and asked if I had drank her wine. I'm 16, so I lied and said "no". The next morning there was a DVD on my bed labeled "pool house security cameras- love mom." It was a video of me downing two bottles of red wine and having sex with my boyfriend."
-The Circle, +2nd corp rule: "I went over to my uncle's house for dinner and my stomache hurt really bad. I noticed there were two toilets and sat in the prettier one and proceeded to take a huge dump. Turns out I chose the brand new toilet that wasn't connected to anything yet"
 +3rd corp rule: "I was woken up by the sound of power tools at 6:30am. I stuck my head out my window and yelled at them to shut up. They didn't stop. I walked out the front door to find the bastard. It was firemen. They were sawing down the door of my neighbour's burning house"
-A corp based on the true pewpew of things.+If you can live by this rules, then you are CIRCLE material.

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Resources 2009-03-15 14:42:19 Corporation Description
Alliance Frontal Impact Member 0
Corporation The Circle Member 11
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