Corporation - Description - 2014-11-11 08:45:22 - Live Ticker



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 For Better POCO tax rates, contact Yahudi for standings. Negotiations are always welcome, and all are free to use our POCO's. Contracts can also be arranged for safe passage from low sec pirates in the area.  For Better POCO tax rates, contact Yahudi for standings. Negotiations are always welcome, and all are free to use our POCO's. Contracts can also be arranged for safe passage from low sec pirates in the area.
-We also offer a share buying program. the current price is 500,000 isk per share. send isk with reason "share purchase", to corporation, and then send a mail to the CEO to confirm your purchase. at the end of every month, the ISK in corp wallet is paid out in dividends to all shareholders after 20% is taken out for corporate savings. +We also offer a share buying program. the current price is 250,000 isk per share. send isk with reason "share purchase", to corporation, and then send a mail to the CEO to confirm your purchase. at the end of every month, the ISK in corp wallet is paid out in dividends to all shareholders after 20% is taken out for corporate savings.
 +-Last month per share payout: 53,996.53
 +-Current purchase amount: 150,000
-average earn back time is 1-2 months, after which it is profit. highest payout to one person to date has been 650 million isk for one month. average payout per 100 shares is 75 million isk per month.+-Estimated time for profit: 3 months

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Resources 2014-11-11 08:45:22 Corporation Description
Corporation Kamakazi Industrialists Member 0
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