Corporation - Description - 2009-03-26 14:42:11 - Live Ticker



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 We, The House of Mogh, will Never forget the treacherous acts of the Traitorous BoB Alliance at 9-98OU.  We, The House of Mogh, will Never forget the treacherous acts of the Traitorous BoB Alliance at 9-98OU.
 We will not rest until these vermin are eradicated...  We will not rest until these vermin are eradicated...
-Join us and help us make the galaxy a dangerous place again... +Join us and help us make the galaxy a dangerous place again... Now there dead. See what I mean!
 ****KHM Corp: Recruitment is OPEN**** ****KHM Corp: Recruitment is OPEN****
 KHM Corp is an 0.0 based corporation. Our pvp is second to none in EvE. Our FC is one of the best. KHM Corp is an 0.0 based corporation. Our pvp is second to none in EvE. Our FC is one of the best.
 We will also participate in one of the best Alliances, Tenth Legion Alliance. We will also participate in one of the best Alliances, Tenth Legion Alliance.
 We offer: We offer:
 * Active and experienced players * Active and experienced players
 * Ship Replacement program. * Ship Replacement program.
 * PVP. * PVP.
 * Alot of targets * Alot of targets
 * Average tax rate only used to cover costs. * Average tax rate only used to cover costs.
 * Vent/KB/Website * Vent/KB/Website
 Minimum requirements: Minimum requirements:
 * Players with 6 mil sp or more * Players with 6 mil sp or more
 * Vent/TS and ability to speak and listen! * Vent/TS and ability to speak and listen!
 * Must be willing to get experience in pvp * Must be willing to get experience in pvp
 * Able to fly at least a tackling frigate * Able to fly at least a tackling frigate
 * Mature attitude * Mature attitude
 * Must be self sufficient * Must be self sufficient
 Channel : KHM_Public Channel : KHM_Public
 Contact : MrReebok, Alor Avaran or Jarcle Contact : MrReebok, Alor Avaran or Jarcle
 Website : Website :

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Resources 2009-03-26 14:42:11 Corporation Description
Alliance Tenth Legion Member 0
Corporation KHM Corporation Member 0
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