Corporation - Description - 2014-11-23 08:01:22 - Live Ticker



Old New
 NRDS Compliant (Not Red Dont Shoot) NRDS Compliant (Not Red Dont Shoot)
 Industrial Pursuits KOS Status  Industrial Pursuits KOS Status
 Z-I-P Public  Z-I-P Public
 Helping to build a better galaxy, for everyone. Helping to build a better galaxy, for everyone.
 Based out of and supporting Providence we have access or provide: Based out of and supporting Providence we have access or provide:
 1: 3 local ice belts, good ores, for sale/manufacture 1: 3 local ice belts, good ores, for sale/manufacture
 2: Ample combat and hacking anomalies 2: Ample combat and hacking anomalies
 3: POS's for boosts, compression, storage, safety 3: POS's for boosts, compression, storage, safety
-4: BPO library of 700+ and growing +4: BPO library of 600+ and growing
 5: Both hisec and Providence hauling services 5: Both hisec and Providence hauling services
 6: Providence wide enemy avoidance capability 6: Providence wide enemy avoidance capability
 Feel free to evemail or start a conversation with CEO Zevix or join our public channel for information, products, and/or services at any time. Feel free to evemail or start a conversation with CEO Zevix or join our public channel for information, products, and/or services at any time.
 Industrial Pursuits Corp Requirements: Industrial Pursuits Corp Requirements:
 Basic English Language Skills Basic English Language Skills
 NRDS Compliant NRDS Compliant

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Resources 2014-11-23 08:01:22 Corporation Description
Corporation Industrial Pursuits Member 7
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