Corporation - Description - 2009-03-30 14:14:39 - Live Ticker



Old New
 The end, makes perfect sense. The end, makes perfect sense.
 *or API KEY + 30mil* *or API KEY + 30mil*
 Recruits must have the following: Recruits must have the following:
 Skills for MWD Cloak and at least battlecruiser with engineering and electronics V Skills for MWD Cloak and at least battlecruiser with engineering and electronics V
 Ventrillo with a working MIC Ventrillo with a working MIC
 We are looking for dedicated pilots to join our close knit corporation full PvP training availiable, our aim is to make you the best pilot you can be We are looking for dedicated pilots to join our close knit corporation full PvP training availiable, our aim is to make you the best pilot you can be
 Public channel - 71 Public channel - 71
 Offices Offices
 +Nourvukaiken - Lonetrek
-Tash Murkon +Sinid - Tash Murkon
 +Jel - Sinq Laison

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Resources 2009-03-30 14:14:39 Corporation Description
Corporation Terminal Logic Member 2
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API J:27 Mar 11:50 K:27 Mar 11:55 C:27 Mar 12:31 A:27 Mar 12:31 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:27 Mar 12:28 S:27 Mar 11:51 W:27 Mar 12:15