Corporation - Description - 2009-03-31 14:37:14 - Live Ticker



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 +AKA Mining eXtreme Dreams corp
 "The only heaven you will ever have is the one you make for yourself" "The only heaven you will ever have is the one you make for yourself"
-Mixed Metaphor is looking for pilots unafraid to defend the Federation. If you are not afraid to fight and die for something you believe in - join us, and fight for it. The Federation needs heroes in the dark days ahead, and should you take up Mixed Metaphor's fight, should you shoulder the burden of protecting our greatn ation - you shall be those heroes. +Mixed Metaphor is looking for pilots unafraid to defend the Federation. If you are not afraid to fight and die for something you believe in - join us, and fight for it. The Federation needs heroes in the dark days ahead, and should you take up Mixed Metaphor's fight, should you shoulder the burden of protecting our great nation - you shall be those heroes.
 See channel "MXD Public" for details. Contact Andreus Ixiris for all recruitment or diplomacy matters. See channel "MXD Public" for details. Contact Andreus Ixiris for all recruitment or diplomacy matters.

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Resources 2009-03-31 14:37:14 Corporation Description
Corporation Mixed Metaphor Member 1
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