Corporation - Description - 2009-04-03 14:37:05 - Live Ticker



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 This Corporation is Brought to you by the Parsaian Empire This Corporation is Brought to you by the Parsaian Empire
 Collection of players interested in working together, and exploring eve. Focused on small unit tactics, and self-sustainment.  Collection of players interested in working together, and exploring eve. Focused on small unit tactics, and self-sustainment.
 Now Looking for: Now Looking for:
 -Miners -Miners
 -Mission runers -Mission runers
--Rat hunters 
 -Sponsors -Sponsors
 -Industry -Industry
 -Manufacturers -Manufacturers
-Planning on doing a highly team focused specialization in covert Ops ships for operations. Intend to have self sustained corporation.+We plan on a high focus in mining and mission running.
-Player enjoyment is one of our primary focuses, afterall if you are not happy, why would you play? 
-Current members from US, UK, CAN and AUS. English is required. 
-If surgical strikes, hit and run, baiting, feignting, and developing towards self-sustainment sounds fun to you. Let us know. 
-Contact Tyrial5989 Visik Chalder Death Toll007 or Thanotopsis for interviews. 

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Resources 2009-04-03 14:37:05 Corporation Description
Corporation Fleet of Doom Member 1
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