Corporation - Description - 2014-12-16 08:09:32 - Live Ticker



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-Providentia enim omnia. +Providentia pro omnibus.
 MachSeven is the multifaceted, multicultural founding corporation of the Arx Alliance. Supporting acceleration in playstyles from PVP to industry and everything in between, we strive to be the best we can be and make a better Providence for all. MachSeven is the multifaceted, multicultural founding corporation of the Arx Alliance. Supporting acceleration in playstyles from PVP to industry and everything in between, we strive to be the best we can be and make a better Providence for all.
 [ Contacts ] [ Contacts ]
 CEO | Michael Mach  CEO | Michael Mach
 Ambassador | Qurai Ambassador | Qurai
 [ Channels ] [ Channels ]
 Public channel | M7 Public  Public channel | M7 Public
 Alliance public channel | Arx Public  Alliance public channel | Arx Public
 Diplomatic channel | Arx Embassy  Diplomatic channel | Arx Embassy

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Resources 2014-12-16 08:09:32 Corporation Description
Alliance Arx Alliance Member 0
Corporation MachSeven Member 1
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