Corporation - Description - 2014-12-16 08:32:20 - Live Ticker



Old New
 +Smoothe Around the Edges are a new player friendly exploration corporation looking to run exploration sites, missions and put up low/nullsec roams.
-We are primarily an exploration corp, but our members are also experienced in all other fields. +We are looking for pilots of all skill types and levels to join our casual corporation.
-Our operations are diverse and we have much to offer new or returning players. We will do anything and everything to expand, get rich, and protect our corporate holdings. 
-Taxes for our members are low, and we have a fluid structure that maximizes initiative and profit as part of a group and as an individual. 
-If our corporation interests you, feel free to contact our CEO Dimitri Falco, or our Directors Marus Orochi and Paulemagne. +If our corporation interests you, feel free to contact our CEO Dimitri Falco by EVEmail.

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Resources 2014-12-16 08:32:20 Corporation Description
Corporation Smoothe Around The Edges Member 1
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