Corporation - Description - 2014-12-19 08:38:53 - Live Ticker



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-APPCI are looking for miners, PVE'ers (ratting, anomaly’s and missions).+Sleeping :(
-We don’t have a skill point requirement, so new and experienced players can join. 
-There is however a level of maturity needed so the current members don't feel to old. 
-We are an industrial corp with established foundations. We have maxed skilled Orca pilots for mining bonus sexytime, there are corp mining ops (bring some form of intoxication). 
-APPCI manufacture all ships including tech 2, tech 3 and capitals, with an extensive catalog of bpo's offering great ship discounts to members. New Members will receive FREE cruisers or mining barges including mods to help them get started. 
-Corp will purchase all loot/salvage at a good price if you are a ratter or anomaly runner. 
-Ore/mineral purchase system, where we buy what you mine at a good price. So that's safe mining with maxed bonuses, where you can sell what you mine without moving it to a trade hub. 
-You will be flying with a chilled out group of players, corp ops are not planned and will happen on the fly. The 0.0 system we have can be used for mining, ratting and running anomaly. Your ships/mods will be jumped out there and we have jump clone facilities, where the clone vat bay on the Rorqual will be utilized. 
-So if you are a lone player looking for a home, an experienced player looking for something new or just some good bonuses to make isk? Then check out our in game channel "APPCI SALOON" for info on how to join. 

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Resources 2014-12-19 08:38:53 Corporation Description
Corporation Apple Construction Inc Member 17
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