Corporation - Description - 2014-12-19 08:55:21 - Live Ticker



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 BFTU is an NRDS corporation. BFTU is an NRDS corporation.
-Blackstone and Fairfield Transuniversal is a new corporate startup that is looking for fresh talent to join us on our mission. 
 We are a partnership of traders and builders who are dedicated to the creative side of New Eden. We are a partnership of traders and builders who are dedicated to the creative side of New Eden.
-Our current short term goals: 
-- Create a Mining and Manufacturing base 
-- Establish a robust Planetary network 
-- Cultivate a loyal Network of Logistics Customers 
-Our year end production goals include: +Our operations include:
 - Low Sec Mining Operations - Low Sec Mining Operations
 - Profitable Manufacturing - Profitable Manufacturing
 +- Security protection of Memebers and Friends
 - Fun For ALL - Fun For ALL
-We are looking for new players and veterans alike to join us as we explore greater heights. +We are looking for new players and veterans alike to join us. We require a full API atm.
-Join channel BFTU Recruit for more information. 

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Resources 2014-12-19 08:55:21 Corporation Description
Alliance Sentinels of Sukanan Alliance Member 25
Corporation Blackstone and Fairfield Transuniversal Member 23
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