Corporation - Description - 2014-12-27 08:37:12 - Live Ticker



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-Caldari militia corporation - ON VACATION +Caldari militia corporation
 PvP corp  PvP corp
 "Caldari Prime burns, those left behind are choking on the dust and ash that fills the air, and you demand our surrender? Is this a joke? You have only hardened our resolve. Every drop of blood you have taken from us will be repaid -- with interest." "Caldari Prime burns, those left behind are choking on the dust and ash that fills the air, and you demand our surrender? Is this a joke? You have only hardened our resolve. Every drop of blood you have taken from us will be repaid -- with interest."
 - CEP response to Federation demands for unconditional surrender after initial bombardment of Caldari Prime. CE 23155.1.18 - CEP response to Federation demands for unconditional surrender after initial bombardment of Caldari Prime. CE 23155.1.18

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Resources 2014-12-27 08:37:12 Corporation Description
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