Alliance - Description - 2015-01-17 10:03:56 - Live Ticker



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 HELM Alliance is committed to effective partnerships with like-minded corporations and alliances that wish to achieve far-reaching long-term goals. HELM Alliance is committed to effective partnerships with like-minded corporations and alliances that wish to achieve far-reaching long-term goals.
 +HELM is an active NRDS/NHDS law-abiding alliance since inception and does not engage bona fide lawful NRDS entities, with whom we enjoy good relationships and shared ideals.
-HELM is an active NRDS/NHDS law-abiding alliance since inception and does not engage bona fide lawful NRDS entities, with whom we enjoy good relationships and shared ideals. +Coalition Partners in: Great Wildlands United (GWU) â–  Patch Coalition (P-|) â–  The Willing Coalition â– 
-Coalition Partners in: Great Wildlands United (GWU) â–  Patch Coalition (P-|) â–  +Coalition Associates: â– 
-Coalition Associates: Coalition of Antipirates â–  +Fisrt Consuls (Most Senior Diplomats): Myll'Enna * Small Dangermouse *
-Fisrt Consuls (Most Senior Diplomats): Myll'Enna * Small Dangermouse * Corporations should contact Myll'Enna by mail expressing their interest in HELM Alliance but applications are closed at this time.+Coalition Consuls: â– 
 Ambassadors (mail first): Alassah (EU/US/APAC) â–  Small Dangermouse (EU/US) â–   Ambassadors (mail first): Alassah (EU/US/APAC) â–  Small Dangermouse (EU/US) â– 
-Envoys: In the absence of the above, HELM Corporation CEOs are points of contact for diplomacy. Mail is the preferred contact method.+Envoys: Loser ("LG") Gemulus Island Envoy â–  Envoys are apointed for specific dilpomatic missions. Mail is the preferred contact method.
 Alliance Leaders (Mail preferred): Small Dangermouse EU/US â–  APAC/EU/US Myll'Enna â–   Alliance Leaders (Mail preferred): Small Dangermouse EU/US â–  APAC/EU/US Myll'Enna â– 

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Resources 2015-01-17 10:03:56 Alliance Description
Alliance HELM Alliance Member 3
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