Corporation - Description - 2009-05-06 14:48:46 - Live Ticker



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 Revenant Dawn Corporation is a nice tight team of friends we formed nearly 1 yr ago and never looked back and we do all in eve. Revenant Dawn Corporation is a nice tight team of friends we formed nearly 1 yr ago and never looked back and we do all in eve.
 We are recruiting Miners and Pvpers!!!! We are recruiting Miners and Pvpers!!!!
 Seeking pvpers for whatever you feel fun! also to help defend miners in low sec or empire in times of war  Seeking pvpers for whatever you feel fun! also to help defend miners in low sec or empire in times of war
 miners are required to help mine with corp so we can build loads of goodies to have and sell  miners are required to help mine with corp so we can build loads of goodies to have and sell
 whihc means we produce cap parts and all ships including sum t2 ships  whihc means we produce cap parts and all ships including sum t2 ships
 requirements to join requirements to join
 over 18yrs old  over 18yrs old
 over 5million skill points over 5million skill points
 able to join at least 1 weekly operation and inactivity will get u booted unless u tell us wot reason for extended time off able to join at least 1 weekly operation and inactivity will get u booted unless u tell us wot reason for extended time off
 we accept all races and all timezones so if u want a fun and random insane ops to try out then give us a shout in rev dawn recruitment channel  we accept all races and all timezones so if u want a fun and random insane ops to try out then give us a shout in rev dawn recruitment channel
 ceo TIGER090 ceo TIGER090
 directors Spankme moore apocil munar mosamba directors Spankme moore apocil munar mosamba

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Resources 2009-05-06 14:48:46 Corporation Description
Corporation revenant dawn Member 2
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