Corporation - Description - 2009-05-14 19:22:38 - Live Ticker



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 Black Forge Industries is a mining and industrial based corp with productions from T1 through T2 along with capital components. The primary focus is to research, develop, and provide ships and equipment at excellent prices.  Black Forge Industries is a mining and industrial based corp with productions from T1 through T2 along with capital components. The primary focus is to research, develop, and provide ships and equipment at excellent prices.
 We are currently seeking people with people skills. No SP minimum. This is not like any other corporate model, we are a Corporate Family. If you got the skills to interact with people, we will help you succeed in whatever paths that you choose in EVE. We are currently seeking people with people skills. No SP minimum. This is not like any other corporate model, we are a Corporate Family. If you got the skills to interact with people, we will help you succeed in whatever paths that you choose in EVE.
-The corp members are friendly, community oriented, and mature. Voice Comms and website are in the making. +The corp members are friendly, community oriented, and mature. We use Ventrillo for voice comms and forums/kb are in the making.

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Resources 2009-05-14 19:22:38 Corporation Description
Alliance PROBABLE CAUSE Member 0
Corporation Black Forge Industries Member 0
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