Corporation - Description - 2015-02-23 09:41:57 - Live Ticker



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 Our eve philosophy Our eve philosophy
 Do not cower from the searing light. Do not cower from the searing light.
 Do not allow the darkness to rob you of your wits. Do not allow the darkness to rob you of your wits.
 For we are the shadows that rest in the rifts between all that you know. In this cloak of illusion we rest. The cloak that shall become the tomb for the countless masses as they fall in the Dark Skies. For we are the shadows that rest in the rifts between all that you know. In this cloak of illusion we rest. The cloak that shall become the tomb for the countless masses as they fall in the Dark Skies.
-Enterance requirements for Inner Shaddow are as follows, but not limited to; discosure of your API, and an interview. +Entrance requirements for Inner Shaddow are as follows, but not limited to; discosure of your API, and an interview.
 An active killboard will also help. An active killboard will also help.

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API J:28 Feb 11:36 K:28 Feb 11:32 C:28 Feb 10:00 A:28 Feb 11:45 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:28 Feb 11:33 S:28 Feb 11:34 W:28 Feb 11:15