Corporation - Description - 2015-03-09 09:39:32 - Live Ticker



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 Distant Light Galactic is an industrial corporation with a current focus in nullsec operations. DISLG's mission is to provide raw and processed materials for production of all manner of assets, both stationside and for use in the field. Distant Light Galactic is an industrial corporation with a current focus in nullsec operations. DISLG's mission is to provide raw and processed materials for production of all manner of assets, both stationside and for use in the field.
 +Distant Light Galactic is proud to be affiliated with the Solid State Sovereignty, a community welcoming those not just in New Eden's spaceways. Those more comfortable with life in high-security space or active wormhole runs may be recommended to them.
 This corporation is currently under a restructuring and reorganization. Please be mindful of this, as applications may not be scrutinized during this time. This corporation is currently under a restructuring and reorganization. Please be mindful of this, as applications may not be scrutinized during this time.

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Resources 2015-03-09 09:39:32 Corporation Description
Corporation Distant Light Galactic Member 4
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