Corporation - Description - 2009-05-24 14:37:02 - Live Ticker



Old New
-If you are looking for a friendly corp, look no farther than GenX Societies Inc. 
 +This corp is in hibernation. It is not currently active. All significant, active toons have moved elsewhere.
-GenX specializes in cooperation, teamwork and helping each other with our goals--while still allowing independence and flexibility to pursue your own interests. We use VENTRILO voice chat for ops and to build community. +In the past, GenX specialized in cooperation, teamwork and helping each other with our goals--while still allowing independence and flexibility to pursue your own interests. We used VENTRILO voice chat for ops and to build community.
-New players welcome. Maturity a must. 
 If you are interested or would like more details, contact: If you are interested or would like more details, contact:
 Scavy Proximus - Diplomacy / Intelligence Scavy Proximus - Diplomacy / Intelligence
 Krapylius Infamus - Friendly Guy / Director Krapylius Infamus - Friendly Guy / Director
 Jenksen - Diplomacy / Director Jenksen - Diplomacy / Director
 +Jubal Sexton - Minining Director

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Resources 2009-05-24 14:37:02 Corporation Description
Corporation GenX Societies Inc. Member 8
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